Our Aussie Adventure Begins 🐾
Becky Murphy here and we're locatedI've been raising Aussies for about 15 years now. My journey began right about the time our kids were off to college and our nest was basically empty, EXCEPT those inevitable times the baby birds return to do a bit of laundry and stuff.
I was still teaching at the time and absolutely loved my students but the ole home place just wasn't the same. I just needed something to tend to and nurture. I'd always been a dog person and thought about raising puppies but couldn't really settle on the breed.
My kids had a yellow Lab named Quackers growing up and we all loved her dearly so I thought that'd be the perfect breed! Well I mentioned that to my husband and his negative response was not what I'd hoped for. Considering Quackers had a tendency towards chewing up just everything she came across I could sorta see his point.
Long story short I found the perfect breed in the Aussies and been going strong ever since. My grandkids came along a few years later and they took to the Aussie just like we did.